Sunday, June 27, 2010

Excerpts on Sambavi Mudra

(When was the last time I updated the blog? Well anyway, there is no point to it, is there? Those who want to know would search for knowledge elsewhere, they hardly need my prompting. And those who don’t wouldn't have to listen to me!

It’s a catch 22 situation ;)

All the same here is something for those who pass by…..)

You don’t have to learn anything to become liberated. It's the most natural of all states. Yet there could be obstacles in realizing this. The one effort should be to dispel these…..

All true teachers of the world (Don’t mistake me, I only intend to bring the gist of what they have said to you and vouch that its attainable!) have always tried to do this in the most simplest of ways.

In my readings I have come across many portions in Upanishads that are related to the things I have been trying to explain to you. The following is a compilation of those vital portions. Because I have very little time and more because of my laziness I haven’t put them in any clean order. So you need to take them in good faith and think on them.

Now to the excerpts from Vedas on Sambavi Mudra

I think this is from Mandala Brahmana Upanishad:

“Know that Yoga is twofold -the earlier and the later.
The earlier is Taraka (of stars) and the later is Amanaska (the mindless).
Taraka is divided into Murti (with limitation) and Amurti (without limitation).

That first goes to the end of the senses (or exist till the senses are conquered). Amurti Taraka goes beyond the two eyebrows (above the senses).

Both these should be performed through Manas (mind).

( Note: That is, mind is the instrument for achieving them)

Antar-Drishti (internal vision) associated with manas comes to aid Taraka. Tejas (spiritual light) appears in the hole between the two eyebrows.

This Taraka is the earlier one.

The later is Amanaska.

The great Jyotis (light) is above the root of the palate. By seeing it, one gets the Siddhis Anima, etc.

Sambhavi-Mudra occurs when the Lakshya (spiritual vision) is internal while the (physical) eyes are seeing externally without winking. This is the great science which is concealed in all the Tantras.

When this is known, one does not stay in Samsara(in the world). Its worship (or practice) gives salvation.

Antar-Lakshya is of the nature of Jala-Jyotis (or water colored light). It is known by the great sages and is invisible both to the internal and external senses.

4. Crown (chakra) light is the Antar-Lakshya.
By becoming one with Antar-Lakshya, the self becomes one with Absolute space”

Again in another Upanishad it is said:

“Antar-Lakshya ( Internal Target)

It is very hidden and Unmanifested. It can be known (only) by one who has got into the boat of Jnana (Wisdom). It is the object of both Bahir and Antar (external and internal) Lakshyas. In its midst is absorbed the whole world.”

And I believe this is from Annapoorna Upanishad

“one should look out for Taraka. Taraka is Brahman which being in the middle of the two eyebrows, is of the nature of the spiritual effulgence of Sachchidananda.

The (spiritual) seeing through the three Lakshyas (or the three kinds of introvision) is the means to It

When the two ears are closed by the tips of the forefingers, a Phutkara (or booming) sound is heard. When the mind is fixed on it, it sees a blue light between the eyes as also in the heart. (This is Antar-Lakshya or internal introvision).

In the Bahir-Lakshya (or external introvision) one sees in order before his nose at distance of 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 digits, the space of blue colour, then a colour resembling Shyama (indigo-black) and then shining as Rakta (red) wave and then with the two Pita (yellow and orange red) colours. Then he is a Yogin.

When one looks at the external space, moving the eyes and sees streaks of light at the corners of his eyes, then his vision can be made steady.

When one sees Jyotis (spiritual light) above his head 12 digits in length, then he attains the state of nectar.

In the Madhya-Lakshya (middle target), one sees the variegated colours of the morning as if the sun, the moon and the fire had joined together in the Akasa(space or skies) that is without them.

Then he comes to have their nature (of light). Through practice, he becomes one with Akasa, devoid of all qualities and peculiarities.

At first Akasa with its shining stars becomes to him Para-Akasa as dark as Tamas itself and he becomes one with Para-Akasa shining with stars and deep as Tamas. (Then) he becomes one with Maha-Akasa resplendent (as) with the fire of the deluge.
Then he becomes one with Tattva-Akasa, lighted with the brightness which is the highest and the best of all. Then he becomes one with Surya-Akasa (Sun-Akasa) brightened by a Crore of suns. By practising thus, he becomes one with them. He who knows them becomes thus.

( Don’t mind these various akasa’s or skies. they are only a scientific description of the states you go through. If you start searching for all of them you would soon be out of the meditative state)

Hope this is helpful

Keep the mind at the point between the eye brows