Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Its not so difficult is it?

The Vedantin starts his meditation on the awareness of I AM. There are no lower vehicles for him, no Chakra’s, no life force, no mind, and no intellect like the Kundalini Yogi.

He asks:

Who Am I? Am I the body or mind or intellect or consciousness?

He gets an answer:

I am Consciousness because that’s the only part which never changes. I am always aware of myself in all states.

He concentrates on his consciousness.

Then a strange thing happens. He realizes his oneness with everything. I will illustrate it for you. I have mentioned it before too.

Just think of a closed string of beads. The string could begin and end at any bead, yes? The vedantin notes this. In effect you could call yourself the beginning and the end of the universe. So could anyone too.

The vedantin in his realization says.

I am Everything ( Aham Brahma Asmi.)

If someone comes then to him in that state in search of knowledge, he says.

You too are that (Tat Tvam Asi).

To such a person nothing remains to be explored. He is always in bliss.

He might wander the world like a mad man, letting the world do anything to him. He is not mad of course, but the ignorant would think him so.

I know this would sound completely bizarre to you. But anyway, that’s the difference between a Yogi and Vedantin. Yogi believes in evolution, Vedantin achieves liberation.

Keep your mind at the point between the eyebrows.

Keep it there, keep it there...

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